Award Winning Projects

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Award Winning Projects

Prof. (Dr.) S.N. Pandeya, Dean Pharmacy

Project under investigation

Synthesis and biological activity of feuoroquinolous –as Anti fubeceh Agenct

  • Synthesis of Novel Semicaba yours as Anticonvert
  • Potential anti HIV Agent-Man rich
  • Novel Antiancer Agents, Isatri denvanhvers.

Dr. D.N. Mishra

Project under investigation

Dr. Pramod Kr. Pandey Director (Admin)

Project under investigation

  • Task allocation using b2b e-commerce , under the guidance of Prof. Dr. R.B. Mishra
    (Dept. of computer engg. IT BHU)

Er. D.K. Singh (Assistant Director)

Project under investigation

  • Task allocation using b2b e-commerce , under the guidance of Prof. Dr. R.B. Mishra
    (Dept. of computer engg. IT BHU)